Alright! You’ve made it to week 5!!
This week I want you to explore what you like, what is your jam?
Lots of questions here, take some time to think about you and what you’re all about.
What kind of things get you excited?
What things are your favorite?
When you read about it or hear about it, what inspires you?
Do you have a favorite outfit, food, sport, room in your home, location outside your home?
What’s your favorite restaurant, food, drink, dessert?
What’s your favorite music? Band, concert or instrument?
What’s your favorite memory from childhood, college, job, this last year?
What is one of your favorite memories? Childhood, college, after?
Do you have a favorite book or author? Favorite movie, actor, actress, T.V. show?
If someone was describing you to another, what would they likely say about you?
Thinking about these things, your favorite things, things that make you feel alive, are likely part of your gift.
As you recognize your jam, what makes you feel alive, it will assist in unlimiting your life.
Truth Section
“Own who you are.” -Anonymous
“Don’t deny your fire, my dear, just be who you are and burn.” -Marc Anthony
“Be you. The world will adjust.” -Anonymous
“It’s not who you are that holds you back, it’s who you think you’re not.” – Anonymous