Hey friend,
In my Last entry, I promised to share some of the struggles I’ve had. I come from a place of genuine care and offer true hope and encouragement for you to live your life unlimited.
In this last year I have done a lot of personal development work and found myself writing about how I realized my thought pattern had changed from survival to really unlimited, dreams so big, they have no limits. The more I thought about this, the more excited I got! And this is what began my creation of Joy Life Unlimited.
As I said yesterday, I have struggled with depression off and on since junior high school. Genetically I inherited symptoms of depression and things were made worse by circumstances.
In short, I was depressed due to being molested by a family member and then sexually harassed as a junior high student. I began processing my parent’s divorce and also dealing with rejection and bullying from a ‘friend’ at school also brought on symptoms. I went on a mission trip to Africa returning with parasites and a 3-year battle with sickness. My step dad, mother-in-law and father-in-law were all terminally ill and this was very stressful, also bringing with it symptoms of depression. My oldest brother passed away and our friend’s toddler tragically died in an accident I was present for.
All these experiences were heart wrenching, painful, and difficult to handle as five people in our family passed away in a two-year time frame.
After our third child I struggled with post-partum depression, different from every other bout. On two occasions I took antidepressants for a year’s time.
I sought counseling a couple times in all these years. My schooling and learning to be a professional counselor has been immensely helpful as a hurting human dealing with loss and pain and depression.
What I want you to be able to take away from this is that though circumstances can be difficult, painful, and harmful, you can work through and heal. The circumstance does not have to end your life as you knew it or scar and mar you to the point of no hope. There is always hope for healing and life.
One of my passions in this life is to help spread hope to others. In this venture of Joy Life Unlimited I desire to encourage and support you to live a life that is so free and so unlimited by your past and unlimited by fear.
Truth Section
“Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn. “-Harriet Beecher Stowe
“Your attitude determines your direction.” – Anonymous
“If you wouldn’t say it to a friend, don’t say it to yourself.” -Jane Travis
“Success doesn’t come from what you do occasionally. It comes from what you do consistently.” -inspirationquotesmagazine.com
“Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” -inspirationquotegazette.com
“Give yourself permission to live a big life. Step into who you were meant to be. Stop playing small. You’re meant for greater things.” -Anonymous