Hey Friend,
Last email we talked favorites, today I want you to think about your strengths and weaknesses. We all have them.
What kinds of things have people said you are really great at? What have you seen in your life that you’re good at due to proof, like good grades in school or good reviews at work?
What do people appreciate about you? What do people tell you they appreciate about you? Do you believe them and or agree with them?
Many people find it hard to take compliments. Many people find it hard to believe compliments are truth and really accept them. This goes back to looking at what you believe about yourself. When you don’t think highly of yourself you are less able to receive and believe a compliment from another.
We are made to work together in community, all contributing to the whole. We all have strengths and weaknesses.
It can be good and healthy to recognize our weaknesses. We can then rely on others to help us. We can focus on building up our strengths instead of battling to improve upon something that we are not great at.
I read a book on business management years ago that explained how it was more effective to build up people’s strengths than it was to work to improve on their areas of weakness.
Even if and when there is improvement in an area of weakness, it likely is not very close to the abilities of another whose strength is in that same area. So it is more effective, more efficient to spend time and resources building on strengths than on correcting weaknesses. You must start by seeing your strengths and seeing your weaknesses.
Identify what your strengths are and find ways to utilize them in your work, in your passions.
Identify your weaknesses and look around you for others who can play an important role, so you can focus on and strengthen your strong points! This might look like having someone do your accounting or billing, ordering the delivery meal boxes or buying a meal plan, hiring a house cleaner once a month to do the deep clean stuff you just don’t like to do, hiring a neighbor to mow your lawn…
James Wedmore, an entrepreneur and mindset coach, has talked about in his podcasts how we need to not do this alone. He suggests we need to have a team with us to truly be successful in whatever we are setting out to do. We are made for community.
Is there something you have gone to school for? You have likely learned skills throughout your schooling that are a part of your strengths. What are they?
Be honest with yourself and choose to see the positive, great things in you. It is a gift to yourself to do this work, to be introspective and look at you at your very core.
When we are able to identify our strengths, our weaknesses and our skills, we are not limited in what we can do, we can change the world!
Truth Section
“Strength grows in the moments when you think you can’t go on but you keep going anyway.” -Anonymous
“Strength is what we gain from the madness we survive.” -Anonymous
Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
II Corinthians 12:19 “ And He said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness…”