Hey Friend,
We are nearing the end of this Joy Life Unlimited adventure; can you believe it? Time flies when you’re having fun (even when it’s difficult…the reward is great)! Today I want to talk about learning.
I have read and heard on podcasts recently how, as humans, we are most fulfilled when we are learning.
We attend years of school as kids and even young adults. Jobs often do involve learning as well. Yet, are you learning something that is just of interest to you? Are you reading or listening to audio books or podcasts on topics that interest you? If you’re not, you might feel stagnant. Our brains thrive off learning and growing. And at this point in time we have so many resources within our reach!
What are you into? What have you wanted to learn more about? What is fascinating to you? What peaks your interest? Is there something you are passionate about telling others about? You may ask around your family and friends and see if they have recommendations. You can google or search in your app store or audible search bar topics that you’re interested in, you’re likely to have your pick at material to learn from.
In the last ten months I have been enthralled with the area of personal development and entrepreneurship. I can’t get enough! Every day I’m reading and listening to new material. I often think about how much there is out there that I can ingest, and it’s exciting to me! I have so incredibly enjoyed becoming a better version of myself. Every day I am learning. Every day I am thinking about new things and being open to great possibilities.
I encourage you to find things that you want to learn more about and set it in your routine to keep learning. Every area of your life will benefit. You will gain confidence, and with that, unlimit your life just a little bit more!!
Truth Section
“The capacity to learn is a gift; the ability to learn is a skill; the willingness to learn is a choice.” -Brian Herbert
“You must learn a new way to think before you can master a new way to be.” -Maryanne Williamson
“Allow yourself to be a beginner. No on starts off being excellent.” -Stoneandstarts.com
“Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.” -Henry Ford
“Happy people build their inner world. Unhappy people blame their outer world.” -Buddha
“Never stop learning, because life never stops teaching.” -Buddha