Hey there,
Can you believe it? We’re in week 6 now! We’ve covered a lot of things that could be limiting you from living the life you want, the life you were created for. This week I have some mind set topics I want to cover.
Basically, everything starts at the level of our thoughts. We have thoughts, and they become beliefs and from our beliefs we act out, we behave in ways that are congruent with what we believe.
When you are unhappy with how you feel, unhappy with how you are behaving, the place to start is your thinking.
Notice what it is your thinking.
Is it nice?
Is it helpful?
Is it in alignment with who you want to be?
What thoughts or statements would be more accurate or ideal?
Are your thoughts from you or borrowed from others? You don’t have to take on what others say you are…
When you have the negative or unhelpful thoughts, catch it and then replace it with a new one. You can replace a thought with a statement in the positive. I’m not good at remembering names, can change to, I need to work a bit harder to remember names. It’s a small shift yet makes a big difference in how you feel emotionally about you. All this stuff adds up!
Our thoughts are habits, so it takes time to form new though habits. Repetition brings change. With repetition your new thought patterns become more comfortable and you believe them more and more.
It can be helpful to write out the desired thought patterns. There is something powerful about writing, the brain and body connection, the focus and working out of our words. Write it, read it, say it out loud.
As you change your thoughts, your beliefs will change, you will destroy some of those limits keeping you from your best life!
Truth Section
Colossians 3:22 “Set your mind on things above.”
“A negative mind will never give you a positive life.” -Anonymous
“Don’t wait for things to get better. Life will always be complicated. Learn to be happy right now, otherwise you’ll run out of time. “– Anonymous
“The limit is not in the sky. The limit is in the mind.” -Anonymous
“If you don’t learn to control your thoughts, you will never learn how to control your behavior.” -Joyce Meyer
“I’ve had to evict some thoughts a hundred times before they would stay out. I have never been successful until I have put something edifying in their place.” -Boyd k. Packer
“Your mind is a powerful thing. When you fill it with positive thoughts, your life will begin to change. “ -Anonymous
“When you can’t control what is happening around you, challenge yourself to control the way in which you respond. That is where your true power is.” -Anonymous